Concordia - Conditions Of Participation

Conditions Of Participation


Be sure to check the administrative formalities for entering the country (national identity card, valid passport, visa) and take any necessary steps, not forgetting those for any countries you may pass through during stopovers or transits. 

We remind you that you are responsible for completing these formalities and for any resulting costs. Concordia cannot be held responsible in any way for your failure to comply with these obligations, particularly in the event of your being refused embarkation or disembarkation, or having to pay a fine.



For its projects in France, Concordia is insured for “Civil Liability” and “Individual Accident”. The insurance does not cover any medical or dental expenses that may arise during the workcamp and are not directly related to the project, nor does it cover any loss or theft.



Concordia is your hosting organisation, not responsible for your registration. For any questions regarding the registration process, please contact your sending organisation from your country (i.e. if you are Spanish, it should be a Spanish sending organisation ; if you are Czech, it should be a Czech sending organisation, etc.).



You are responsible for your own transport to and from your workcamp. The airport or railway or bus station closest to the project should be indicated in the description. Information on how to reach the workcamp will be given on the infosheet that you should receive at least 3 weeks before the start of the workcamp



When a payment to Concordia is required (usually only for our 15-17 years old workcamps), it must be paid within two weeks after receiving the confirmation email from your sending organisation. If the payment is not received within these two weeks, your registration could be cancelled.



The request for registration on a workcamp is a commitment and cannot be considered as a simple pre-booking. As a general rule, no refunds are possible once your registration has been definitively confirmed by email. Late arrival at a workcamp or early departure cannot be grounds for reimbursement.

In the event of cancellation on our part, we will do our utmost to offer you an alternative workcamp. Should we be unable to do this, the fee paid to Concordia will be fully refunded.

In the event of force majeure (accident, serious illness, death of a close relative, natural disaster, etc.) preventing you from attending the project once the definitive confirmation of registration has been sent, we will analyse the situation on a case-by-case basis on presentation of supporting documents. Please note that, even in cases of force majeure, 40 euros (€) of the fee remains payable.

In the event of cancellation of a project, an unsuccessful application or a request for reimbursement, Concordia reserves the right to retain the fee if no reply is received from the volunteer within two months of the cancellation or request for reimbursement.

In the event of a workcamp cancellation, unsuccessful application or request for reimbursement, without a response from the volunteer as to the follow-up to be given to his/her application within two months of the workcamp cancellation, unsuccessful application or request for reimbursement, Concordia reserves the right to retain the registration fee. 



To illustrate the life of our associative project, we regularly take photos and/or videos of our projects. In order to respect your image, we will ask you to sign image rights authorizations specifying the duration, media and distribution of these images.

For further information, please contact: 

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